EMI Oxford Research Group Core Members
Prof Heath RoseEMI Oxford Research Group coordinator
Professor of Applied Linguistics My research interest is in the ‘E’ in EMI, particularly exploring the type of English that is used in EMI, and the language needs of students learning in EMI settings. I am co-author of Introducing Global Englishes (Routledge, 2015), and am currently engaged in a number of projects that explore EMI in Japan. My most recent EMI-related paper appeared in Higher Education (2018). |
Dr Ann ChildsResearch Group Member
Associate Professor of Science Education My research areas include: explaining science/chemistry in secondary science classrooms (i.e. what makes an effective explanation?); interaction between teachers and students in second language classrooms in science where English is the medium of instruction; developing teacher education in science of both pre and in-service science teachers. As science is a major discipline of EMI growth, my research interests extend to explanations, interaction, and teacher education in EMI contexts. |
Dr Hamish ChalmersResearch Group Member
Lecturer My research interest centres on evaluation of pedagogical approaches to teaching children who use English as an Additional Language (EAL). In particular, my research focuses on the use of the first language as a pedagogical tool for multilingual learners in English medium classrooms. My methodological interest is in randomised trials and systematic reviews. My EMI publications include the recent: "Chalmers, H. (2019). The Role of the first language in English Medium Instruction. OUP ELT Position Paper." |
Prof Victoria MurphyResearch Group Member
Professor of Applied Linguistics My research areas include those relating to EAL (language minority) children and child L2 learning and foreign language learning in primary school. I am also the convenor of the Research in English as an Additional Language (REAL) group. I am involved in EMI research that explore English medium instruction at primary levels of education, and am currently exploring the impact of EMI on young learners in Hong Kong, as well as carrying out a systematic review of EMI in primary schooling in South America. |
Dr Sihan ZhouResearch Group Member
Honorary Research Fellow and Assistant Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong My current research focuses on students’ self-regulatory listening strategies during transition period from CMI (Chinese medium instruction) secondary education to EMI higher education in China. Specifically, I am interested in what difficulties related to listening comprehension that students encounter and how their self-regulatory listening strategies change during the transition year in EMI university settings. |
Dr Jenni IngramResearch Group Member
Professor of Mathematics Education My research areas include interaction in mathematics classrooms, formative assessment in mathematics or the use of technology with classes in mathematics.. With the growth of EMI, I am particularly interested in the language of mathematics, especially in terms of how it is taught in EMI settings. |
Dr Minhui WeiResearch Group Member
Postdoctoral Researcher at Tsinghua University My project investigates vocabulary gains and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EMI students. I wants to discover whether EMI classes can lead to a similar amount of vocabulary gain as general classes, and whether the strategy using pattern in the two contexts are different, as well as how vocabulary learning strategy use can lead to vocabulary gain. |
Dr Robert WooreResearch Group Member
Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics I am a member of the Applied Linguistics and Teaching and Teacher Education research groups. I teach on the PGCE, MSc ALSLA, MLT and doctoral programmes and is lead tutor for Modern Languages on the PGCE course. I am interested in the impact of EMI on the teaching and use of other languages. |
Dr Kari Coffman SahanResearch Group Member
Honorary Research Fellow and Lecturer at University of Reading My current research explores the relationship between language education policy and practices in higher education, looking specifically at the relationship between English medium instruction (EMI) policy in Turkey and the variation with which it is implemented at the institutional and classroom level. My research explores the relationship between the local language and English in EMI settings by examining themes such as classroom interaction, codeswitching, and the use of L1. |
Dr Gene ThompsonResearch Group Member
Honorary Research Fellow and Professor (Rikkyo University) I am the Director of the Bilingual Business Leader (BBL) Program and an Associate Professor of Language and Communication in the College of Business at Rikkyo University in Tokyo, Japan. I work on research with the group specifically on issues surrounding EMI in Japanese higher education, and have been co-investigator on a funded project on EMI challenges. |
Dr Catherine WalterResearch Group Member
Emeritus Fellow of Linacre College I founded the MSc in Teaching English Language in University Settings, Oxford’s first distance MSc, and taught the course until 2015. I continue to supervise doctoral students in the department and remain active in research into the cognitive aspects of second language learning. |