EMI Oxford members at The University of Oxford
Dr Heath Rose (EMI Oxford Convenor)
Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics and EMI Oxford convenor My research interest is in the ‘E’ in EMI, particularly exploring the type of English that is used in EMI, and the language needs of students learning in EMI settings. I am co-author of Introducing Global Englishes (Routledge, 2015), and am currently engaged in a number of projects that explore EMI in Japan. |
Prof Ernesto Macaro
Professor of Applied Linguistics and EMI Oxford founding director I was the founding Director of the Centre for Research and Development in English Medium Instruction in the Department of Education, The University of Oxford, which was the predecessor to the Research Group EMI Oxford.My current research focuses on second language learning strategies and on the interaction between teachers and learners in classrooms where English is the Medium of Instruction. I have published widely on EMI, including a recent monograph on the topic (Oxford University Press). |
Dr Jessica Briggs
Lecturer in Second Language Acquisition & Course Director of the MSc ALSLA I am currently compiling a corpus of spoken language used in EMI university lectures in non-Anglophone contexts. Funded by a John Fell award, the Corpus of Lectures in Higher Education in EMI (CLEMI) project aims to document the vocabulary used by EMI lecturers and to investigate the interaction patterns which emerge in EMI contexts with reference to vocabulary-related input. |
Prof Victoria Murphy
Professor of Applied Linguistics My research areas include those relating to EAL (language minority) children and child L2 learning and foreign language learning in primary school. I am also the convenor of the Research in English as an Additional Language (REAL) group. I am involved in EMI research that explore English medium instruction at primary levels of education, and am currently exploring the impact of EMI on young learners in Hong Kong, as well as carrying out a systematic review of EMI in primary schooling in South America. |
Dr Ann Childs
Associate Professor of Science Education My research areas include: explaining science/chemistry in secondary science classrooms (i.e. what makes an effective explanation?); interaction between teachers and students in second language classrooms in science where English is the medium of instruction; developing teacher education in science of both pre and in-service science teachers. As science is a major discipline of EMI growth, my research interests extend to explanations, interaction, and teacher education in EMI contexts. |
Dr Jenni Ingram Associate Professor of Mathematics Education My research areas include interaction in mathematics classrooms, formative assessment in mathematics or the use of technology with classes in mathematics.. With the growth of EMI, I am particularly interested in the language of mathematics, especially in terms of how it is taught in EMI settings. |
Dr Catherine Walter
Emeritus Fellow of Linacre College and associate of EMI Oxford I founded the MSc in Teaching English Language in University Settings, Oxford’s first distance MSc, and taught the course until 2015. I continue to supervise doctoral students in the department and remain active in research into the cognitive aspects of second language learning, with special emphasis on reading and writing, which are essential for success in EMI contexts. |
Samantha Seiter
Doctoral researcher within EMI Oxford My doctoral research focuses on English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) in higher education. I will investigate the attitudes of stakeholders (university managers, lecturers and students) towards EMI in the Japanese tertiary context. The main aim is to discover to what extent stakeholders consider EMI as enhancing or hindering teaching and learning. |
Ikuya Aizawa
Doctoral researcher within EMI Oxford My doctoral research focuses on English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) in higher education in Japan. My research explores the costs and benefits to students quality of education, exploring both language and content acquisition, and the various language-related challenges of studying through a second language. Alongside my Dphil study, I also work part-time as a research assistant at EMI Oxford. |
Kari Coffman Sahan
Doctoral researcher within EMI Oxford My current research explores the relationship between language education policy and practices in higher education, looking specifically at the relationship between English medium instruction (EMI) policy in Turkey and the variation with which it is implemented at the institutional and classroom level. My research explores the relationship between the local language and English in EMI settings by examining themes such as classroom interaction, codeswitching, and the use of L1. |
Jiangshan An
Doctoral researcher My Dphil project investigates the teaching and learning in a new and unique EMI model, namely International Departments situated in public high schools in China, where many foreign native English-speaking teachers teach foreign high school curricula in English to classes of homogeneous Chinese students. Alongside my Dphil study, I also work part-time as a research assistant at EMI Oxford. |
Minhui Wei
Doctoral researcher My Dphil project investigates vocabulary gains and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EMI students. I wants to discover whether EMI classes can lead to a similar amount of vocabulary gain as general classes, and whether the strategy using pattern in the two contexts are different, as well as how vocabulary learning strategy use can lead to vocabulary gain. |
EMI Oxford Associated Members
Dr. Jim McKinley
Director of Studies for PhD in Education, The University of Bath; Research associate of EMI Oxford Before coming to Bath I taught in Japan's longest running EMI undergraduate program. My current research centres on second language writing and academic community development. Recently I have published a paper on Japan's higher education initiatives, which has led to more in-depth collaborative work with one of EMI Oxford's funded projects. |
Dr. Jack Pun
Assistant Professor (Hong Kong Baptist University), Alumni associate of EMI Oxford My doctoral research at the University of Oxford explored the teaching and learning process in EMI (English as medium of instruction) science classrooms, with particular interests on classroom interactions, use of L1 (First language)/ code-switching, teaching pedagogy in EMI classrooms, academic literacy in EMI context, language challenges and coping strategies, teachers and students’ views towards EMI in Hong Kong secondary schools. |
Mustafa Akincioglu
Research associate of EMI Oxford I have been working at EMI Oxford in the capacity of a Research Assistant since 2014. I have also been involved in the design and delivery of EMI courses delivered at the former Centre of EMI Oxford. My research interests include EMI, critical discourse analysis, learner autonomy and learner motivation within EAP Contexts, EAP Program and academic subject department collaboration development. |
Mark Searle
Teaching associate of EMI Oxford I am freelance teacher trainer and materials writer in English Medium Instruction. I have been involved in the design and delivery of a number of EMI courses at EMI Oxford, including a four-week course for South China Normal University (August 2017). I write and deliver courses and workshops for the British Council on both EMI and EAP and have trained academics in Mexico, Brazil, Morocco, Germany, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Czech Republic and Italy. I was among the first to be awarded the innovative MSc. in Teaching English in University Settings from the University of Oxford, Department of Education. |