The International Consortium on EMI Teacher Competencies was founded in Guangzhou, China in November 2018.
This page will be updated with information about Consortium activities.
Consortium Objectives
Consortium Members
CAROLINE CLARK: [email protected]; University of Padova, Italy
Caroline Clark is Professor of English Linguistics and Director of the University of Padova Language Centre.Her research is based in Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics where her numerous publications regard journalism, and political discourse, as well as English Medium Instruction. The Language Centre, of which she is Director, is home to a dynamic research group committed to understanding the successful implementation,and quality aspects of EMI, and the preparation of lecturers for the EMI classroom.The research team has contributed to numerous international publications regarding EMI.
GUANGWEI HU: [email protected]; Hong Kong Polytechnic University. HK.
Guangwei Hu is Professor of Language and Literacy Education in the Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. An applied linguist by training, his research interests include academic literacy, language assessment, second language education, biliteracy acquisition, and English medium instruction in higher education. He has published widely on these and other areas in edited volumes and refereed journals. He is on the editorial boards of several international journal and isco-Editor of Journal of English for Academic Purposes.
LIYAN HUANG: [email protected]; South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China
Liyan Huang is a professor of applied linguistics at the School of Foreign Studies(SFS), South China Normal University (SCNU). She also works as the deputy dean of SFS and Director of SCNU EMI Research Centre. She holds a MSc from the University of Oxford and a PhD from Lancaster University, UK. Her major research interests include language testing, second language acquisition, teacher education and English medium instruction. She has published in those areas in international journals such as Annuals of Dyslexia and Research Notes and domestic journals such as Foreign language Teaching & Research.
SHAMUNI KUNJIAPU [email protected]; New Era University College, Malaysia
ShamuniKunjiapu is an Assistant professor of Management and the Head of Department of Business Studies at New Era University College Malaysia. With aBusiness Administration background, her research interests lie in the areas of management, entrepreneurship, strategy and teaching & learning. Her published works cover topics such as small medium enterprises, competencies development, workplace learning, and learning anxieties. Presently she is leading a research team to study and resolve learning problems of those students in her Faculty who lack fluency in English.
DAVID LASAGABASTER [email protected]; University of the Basque Country, Spain
David Lasagabaster is professor of applied linguistics at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain. He has published on CLIL, EMI, attitudes and motivation, and multilingualism. Among others, he has co-edited English-medium Instruction at Universities: Global Challenges (Multilingual Matters, 2013), and Motivation and Foreign Language Learning (John Benjamins, 2014).
ERNESTO MACARO: e[email protected]; University of Oxford, UK
Ernesto Macaro is Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Oxford and was founding Director of the Centre for Research and Development in English Medium Instruction (EMI Oxford) in the Department of Education. His current research focuses on second language learning strategies and on the interaction between teachers and learners in second language classrooms or in classrooms where English is the Medium of Instruction. He has published widely on these topics. His many publications include: Macaro, E. (2018) English Medium Instruction: Language and content in policy and practice. Oxford University Press
MARK SEARLE: [email protected]; University of Oxford, UK
Mark Searle is Lecturer in English language Teaching in the Department of Education and teaching associate of the EMI Research Group at the University of Oxford and an EMI trainer and materials writer for the British Council. In these roles, Mark creates research-informed resources and courses to develop the EMI teaching skills of academics around the world. He has worked in universities in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Austria, Italy, Morocco, China and Oxford. In related activities, Mark has served as an academic advisor to OUP, designed and delivered EAP courses, and worked as a Director of Studies in several language schools.
Please contact Mark Searle if you have any questions about the Consortium.
This page will be updated with information about Consortium activities.
Consortium Objectives
- To work collaboratively on research on EMI teacher competencies (and by implication on student needs); The ultimate objective is to arrive at a list of competencies that are acceptable at an international level but also reflect local needs and contexts.
- To establish a journal specifically dedicated to EMI. The consortium team would be part of the editorial board.
- To hold a conference on EMI teacher competencies in each of the represented institutions/countries at least once a year.
Consortium Members
CAROLINE CLARK: [email protected]; University of Padova, Italy
Caroline Clark is Professor of English Linguistics and Director of the University of Padova Language Centre.Her research is based in Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics where her numerous publications regard journalism, and political discourse, as well as English Medium Instruction. The Language Centre, of which she is Director, is home to a dynamic research group committed to understanding the successful implementation,and quality aspects of EMI, and the preparation of lecturers for the EMI classroom.The research team has contributed to numerous international publications regarding EMI.
GUANGWEI HU: [email protected]; Hong Kong Polytechnic University. HK.
Guangwei Hu is Professor of Language and Literacy Education in the Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. An applied linguist by training, his research interests include academic literacy, language assessment, second language education, biliteracy acquisition, and English medium instruction in higher education. He has published widely on these and other areas in edited volumes and refereed journals. He is on the editorial boards of several international journal and isco-Editor of Journal of English for Academic Purposes.
LIYAN HUANG: [email protected]; South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China
Liyan Huang is a professor of applied linguistics at the School of Foreign Studies(SFS), South China Normal University (SCNU). She also works as the deputy dean of SFS and Director of SCNU EMI Research Centre. She holds a MSc from the University of Oxford and a PhD from Lancaster University, UK. Her major research interests include language testing, second language acquisition, teacher education and English medium instruction. She has published in those areas in international journals such as Annuals of Dyslexia and Research Notes and domestic journals such as Foreign language Teaching & Research.
SHAMUNI KUNJIAPU [email protected]; New Era University College, Malaysia
ShamuniKunjiapu is an Assistant professor of Management and the Head of Department of Business Studies at New Era University College Malaysia. With aBusiness Administration background, her research interests lie in the areas of management, entrepreneurship, strategy and teaching & learning. Her published works cover topics such as small medium enterprises, competencies development, workplace learning, and learning anxieties. Presently she is leading a research team to study and resolve learning problems of those students in her Faculty who lack fluency in English.
DAVID LASAGABASTER [email protected]; University of the Basque Country, Spain
David Lasagabaster is professor of applied linguistics at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain. He has published on CLIL, EMI, attitudes and motivation, and multilingualism. Among others, he has co-edited English-medium Instruction at Universities: Global Challenges (Multilingual Matters, 2013), and Motivation and Foreign Language Learning (John Benjamins, 2014).
ERNESTO MACARO: e[email protected]; University of Oxford, UK
Ernesto Macaro is Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Oxford and was founding Director of the Centre for Research and Development in English Medium Instruction (EMI Oxford) in the Department of Education. His current research focuses on second language learning strategies and on the interaction between teachers and learners in second language classrooms or in classrooms where English is the Medium of Instruction. He has published widely on these topics. His many publications include: Macaro, E. (2018) English Medium Instruction: Language and content in policy and practice. Oxford University Press
MARK SEARLE: [email protected]; University of Oxford, UK
Mark Searle is Lecturer in English language Teaching in the Department of Education and teaching associate of the EMI Research Group at the University of Oxford and an EMI trainer and materials writer for the British Council. In these roles, Mark creates research-informed resources and courses to develop the EMI teaching skills of academics around the world. He has worked in universities in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Austria, Italy, Morocco, China and Oxford. In related activities, Mark has served as an academic advisor to OUP, designed and delivered EAP courses, and worked as a Director of Studies in several language schools.
Please contact Mark Searle if you have any questions about the Consortium.